

George Toriello sent me this information on Clarence D. Smith whose name is on the Korean War plaque at City Hall in Hackensack of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice during their service.
Material was obtained from:
<Ancestry. com> <Federal Census> and <HonorStates .org>. 

Clarence D. Smith was born July 1918 which means he would have been attending Hackensack High School between 1934 to 1937. 

According to the 1940 census Clarence D. Smith was living at
112 Lawrence Street in Hackensack. At the outbreak of World War II on December 7 1941, he would have been of perfect draft age of around 24.   There are many names of Smith on the Wall Unit and he may be related or even one of the names spelled differently, but I have no way of knowing at the present time. 

Clarence D. Smith served in the United States Army with the
1st Infantry Division artillery during the Korean War

The Plaque at City Hall in Hackensack and the U.S. Korean War Casualties list 1950 to 1957 confirm his ultimate sacrifice during the Korean War on November 2, 1950 for which he would have received the Purple Heart.   

Written by:
Bob Meli
July 4, 2018


Background image of an American Soldier fighting obtained from: